Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible

Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible

Gospel of Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio

Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible: The book of Mark is a Gospel that contains Narrative History, Sermons, Parables, and some Prophetic Oracles. This Gospel has somewhat of an emphasis in miracles (27 total) which is significantly more than any of the other Gospels. The key word in Mark is “Immediately” which is used 34 times causing the reader to move from one account to the next rapidly. Mark is the shortest of the synoptic gospels and was written about 64 A.D. The key personalities of this book are Jesus Christ, His Twelve Disciples, Jewish religious leaders, Pilate, and John the Baptist. It was written by John Mark who was one of the missionaries who accompanied Paul and Barnabas on their mission trips. It is possible that Mark wrote this Gospel at the urging of Peter (his companion in Rome) since he had firsthand knowledge of the things that Mark wrote about. The purpose of the Gospel of Mark is to show that the Lord Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God who was sent to suffer and to serve in order to rescue and restore mankind. The 16 chapters of the Gospel of Mark can be divided into two parts, 8 chapters each. In the first 8 chapters Jesus is essentially traveling north and preaching until chapter 8. In Chapter 8, Jesus is in the city of Caesarea Philippi where He asks His disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” (vs. 27). Peter replies, “You are the Christ”. Throughout the last 8 chapters, Jesus is traveling south, back to Jerusalem; all the way to Calvary’s Cross. Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible: In chapter 1, there is a quick introduction of John the Baptist and his preparation for the coming Messiah. It also includes the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, and the temptation in the desert by Satan. The focus quickly changes to the message and ministry of Jesus. In chapters 2-10, Jesus selects His Disciples, “And He appointed twelve, so that they would be with Him, and that He could send them out to preach” (3:14). The rest of these passages almost completely refer to Jesus as a Servant. It presents Jesus either teaching, healing, helping, performing miracles, blessing, feeding, challenging authority, and feeling compassion (8:2). Chapters 11-16 are the final chapters that declare the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ again another example of servanthood. He is betrayed, dragged through a faulty trial, and then unmercifully beaten, humiliated and crucified; all for the purpose of serving sinners.  The final chapter is the miraculous resurrection of His physical body, numerous appearances, and command of the Great Commission, and finally His ascension to the right hand of God.
The Gospel of Mark is the second book in the New Testament part of the Bible. Mark was the first person to write a Gospel. A Gospel is a book that describes the life and death of Jesus. The Gospels also explain how Jesus came back to life again.
People think that Mark got his information from Peter. Peter was a friend of Jesus.
Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible: Mark’s Gospel is the shortest life story of Jesus. It is an exciting book. Jesus did many wonderful things. He cured ill people. He spoke wise words about God. And he warned about future events. The people were excited about Jesus. They followed Jesus. They listened to him. But they did not realise why God sent Jesus. They thought that Jesus would become their king. But Jesus knew the real reason why God sent him.
The rulers hated Jesus. They thought that Jesus would destroy their country. They did not care whether God had sent Jesus. They decided to kill Jesus. Jesus knew about this. But Jesus allowed these things to happen, because this was God’s plan.
When Jesus was dying, the people were very afraid. Even Jesus’ friend, Peter, denied that he knew Jesus. Even the priests insulted Jesus. Jesus’ death was a terrible death (Mark chapters 14-15).
But some important people believed Jesus, even when he died. An important soldier said, ‘This man (Jesus) was God’s son.’ And Joseph from Arimathea was bold, and he buried Jesus’ body in his own grave. But, two days later, an angel (servant of God from heaven) announced that Jesus was alive again. Later, Jesus himself met his friends. They saw that he was alive. And he told them to take God’s message to people from all nations.
Mark wrote his gospel for everyone. He did not only write it for his own people. People from all nations can become Christians.

Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible
Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible

Mark ESV English Standard Version Audio Bible, Mark esv audio bible, Mark esv audio bible, book of Mark audio bible, free audio bible esv version, english standard version bible audio, the holy bible esv version, english standard bible version

Mark 2 5:13 Mark 3 9:02 Mark 4 12:46 Mark 5 17:41 Mark 6 22:47 Mark 7 29:26 Mark 8 33:49 Mark 9 38:42 Mark 10 44:47 Mark 11 51:25 Mark 12 55:17 Mark 13 1:01:23 Mark 14 1:06:03 Mark 15 1:15:05 Mark 16 1:20:35

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